Cyclist Deaths and Injuries Continue to Rise


By Charles Pekow — Cyclist deaths and injuries increased in 2021 over 2020, according to the latest figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Deaths increased 1.9 percent to 966, while injuries in 2021 totaled 41,615, up from 38,886, says Traffic Safety Facts: 2021 Data: Bicyclists and Other Cyclists (

2019 February Ghost bike death on 45th street NYC. Photo by Brecht Bug. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

Note: The figures refer to “pedalcyclists,” the overwhelming number consists of bicyclists but also includes those riding unicycles, tricycles, etc.

No cyclist was killed in Wyoming in 2021. But the paper doesn’t discuss causes of the increases, such as changes in the amount of cycling. But in 36 percent of the cases, someone involved in the crash had been drinking. And both injury and death rates were much higher for males than females.

Only 15 percent of crashes occurred in rural areas. Only 29 percent occurred at intersections. And 52 percent occurred after dark. Only five percent of fatalities occurred where more than one auto was involved.


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