Bike Shop Saturday to be held on December 14, 2024 Worldwide


A day to support local bike shops and bike related businesses

December 2, 2024 (Salt Lake City, Utah) ­— Bike Shop Saturday, an day designed to be a bike-friendly alternative to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, happens worldwide on December 14, 2024, the second Saturday in December. The concept was created by Cycling West, a leading bicycling magazine. It was first held in 2012.

“The holiday shopping season is a great time to buy locally, and better yet, to support your local bike shop. Dollars spent at your local shop are used to sponsor bike events and bike clubs, hire employees, and bring more people in your community to the great sport and transportation mode of cycling,” said Dave Iltis, editor of Cycling West.

Bike Shop Saturday is a global event held the second Saturday of each December. Come out to your local bike shop and support them.

Bike Shop Saturday is a global event held the second Saturday of each December. Come out to your local bike shop and support them. Recognizing that local bike shops and bike related businesses are the backbone of the cycling community, the event encourages cyclists to patronize those businesses during the holiday shopping season. December is often a tough month for bike shops because of the weather and Bike Shop Saturday is an encouragement to shop locally when it matters most.

The event is always held on the second Saturday in December.

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For more on Bike Shop Saturday, visit

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  1. Can you please provide a list of participating shops? None of the ones that I’ve spoken to have even heard of it.

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