Western US Mountain Bike Racing ( ID, MT, NV, AZ, CO, WY, NM, CA)

2025 Regional (ID, WY, MT, NV, CO, AZ ) Weekly MTB Race Series Bike Events Calendar (Regular Event Schedule is Below)

May 8-June 26, 2024Missoula MTB League, Missoula, MT, Various courses. May 8, 15, 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024, Eight weeks of mountain biking in the evenings. Free mountain bike race series. Fun divisions for all abilities. Top 3 pick from the prize table. Relaxed and fun. Potluck post race., Shaun Radley, 406-219-1318, [email protected], montanacyclocross.com/events/

May 29-July 17, 2024Sturgis Music On Main Mountain Bike Series, Sturgis, SD, Experience the warm summer evenings out on the local bike trails by participating in the 7th Annual Music on Main Mountain Bike Race Series each Wednesday evening starting at 6:00 PM at Harley Davidson Rally Point, no entry fee, Joe Etzkorn, 605-720-4046, [email protected], officialsturgisevents.com/mountain-bike-race-series

May 28-June 18, 2025Session Series Weekly Enduro Series, Floyd Hill, CO, A weeknight enduro series, riders check their better judgment at the start for a timed downhill at three front-range trail systems: May 28�Floyd Hill, June 5�Maryland Mtn, and June 18�Virginia Canyon, Jennifer Barbour, 303-503-4616, [email protected], Caprice Bass, 303-720-4509, [email protected], shiftevents.org, sessionseries.org

2025 Western States (ID, WY, MT, NV, CO, AZ, CA, NM) Mountain Bike Racing, Enduro Racing, Downhill Racing Event Calendar

January 11, 2025McDowell Meltdown, McDowell, AZ, Challenging XC race with pump tracks for everyone to enjoy., Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], mbaa.net

January 17-19, 2025Southwest Regional Gravity Championships, DH, Enduro, and DS, DVO Winter Gravity Series at Bootleg Canyon, Boulder City, NV, Open practice�on Friday,�Saturday, and�Sunday. Trails hand built by the late Brent Thompson, gnarly on the top half and fast open ridge tops for the 2nd half. Free 0n-site camping with bathroom/shower facility. Cash purse for the pros and prizes from our sponsors for all amateur categories and age brackets for placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd., Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

January 18, 2025Colorado Cup, Leadville, CO, Cloud City Wheelers , [email protected], cloudcitywheelers.com

January 18, 2025Old Tucson 10er, Tucson, AZ, This 10 hour race for solos, duos, and teams will take place at historic Old Tucson Studios, the film site for many famous westerns., Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

January 19, 2025Prickly Pedal MTB Race, Peoria, AZ, Get in a heart-pumping, rip-roaring ride through the desert terrain of the Maricopa Trail beginning in Cave Creek, Arizona and finishing at Lake Pleasant Regional Park in Peoria, Arizona. Proceeds benefit the non-profit Maricopa Trail and Park Foundation, Aaron Schmidt, 602-346-0554, [email protected]�, pricklypedal.com, aravaiparides.com

January 25, 2025Estrella Hedgehog Hustle, Goodyear, AZ, Cross Country Race at Estrella Mountain Regional Park with a scenic venue for both spectators and racers. Remember sealant and tubes!, Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], mbaa.net

January 26, 2025McDowell Circuit Race, Fort McDowell, AZ, Carlos O’Briens Racing , [email protected], azcycling.org/event/mmc, proconcyclingaz.com

February 1, 2025DVO Mojave Meltdown XC MTB Race, Boulder City, NV, Cross Country race, Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

February 8, 2025White Tank Whirlwind, Waddell, AZ, White Tank Regional Park is a fun course, mixed with a smidge of technical riding., Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], mbaa.net

February 8, 2025Rock Cobbler, Bakersfield, CA, The World Famous Bianchi Rock Cobbler is a stupidly hard, mostly dirt ride, bordering on a race. There are two routes offered: the Rock Cobbler which is between 80-90 miles and the Pebbler which is between 40-50 miles., Sam Ames, [email protected], rockcobbler.com

February 8, 2025Tennessee Pass Night Jam, Leadville, CO, Cloud City Wheelers , [email protected], cloudcitywheelers.com

February 14-16, 202524 Hours in the Old Pueblo, Tuscon, AZ, Riding sinuous single track in the Sonoran Desert, the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo Presented by Tucson Medical Center is one of the largest 24 hour events in the world. Come join the event the mountain bike community has been raving about for years!, Epic Rides, 520-623-1584, [email protected], epicrides.com

February 14-16, 2025DVO Mob�n Mojave DH, DS, and Enduro, DVO Winter Gravity Series at Bootleg Canyon, Boulder City, NV, Open practice�on Friday,�Saturday, and�Sunday. Trails hand built by the late Brent Thompson, gnarly on the top half and fast open ridge tops for the 2nd half. Free 0n-site camping with bathroom/shower facility. Cash purse for the pros and prizes from our sponsors for all amateur categories and age brackets for placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd., Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

February 28-March 2, 2025DVO Reaper Madness DH ~ DS ~ Enduro, DVO Winter Gravity Series at Bootleg Canyon, Boulder City, NV, Open practice�on Friday,�Saturday, and�Sunday. Trails hand built by the late Brent Thompson, gnarly on the top half and fast open ridge tops for the 2nd half. Free on-site camping with bathroom/shower facility. Cash purse for the pros and prizes from our sponsors for all amateur categories and age brackets for placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd., Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

March 1, 2025Mineral Belt Mayhem, Leadville Winter Mtn Bike Series, Leadville, CO, Cloud City Wheelers , [email protected], cloudcitywheelers.com

March 7-9, 2025Cactus Cup, Fountain Hills, AZ, Arizona’s Original Mountain Bike Stage race, its�history dates back to 1991.�This is 3 days of racing to crack open the season featuring a Short Track, XC and Enduro event.�To chase the Cactus Cup and capture the overall title, all 3 days of the stage race must be completed. STXC, Enduro, XC40, kids race. Held at McDowell Mountain Regional Park, Sage , [email protected], thecactuscup.com

March 15, 2025Havasu Havoc, Lake Havasu, AZ, XC race with awesome views, a fun trail and good local beer., Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], mbaa.net

March 15, 2025Echo Red 2 Red XC MTB Race, Pendleton, OR, 12, 24, 32 miles, sponsored by Echo Bike & Board, Stephanie Myers, 541-289-2444, 541-376-8500, [email protected], Brian Cimmiyotti, 541-371-3303, 509-374-8424, [email protected], echored2red.com

March 15, 2025Fatty Patty 50K, Leadville Winter Mtn Bike Series, Leadville, CO, Cloud City Wheelers , [email protected], cloudcitywheelers.com

March 15, 2025DVO Mojave Meltdown XC MTB Race, Boulder City, NV, Cross Country race, Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

March 22, 2025Lake Sonoma MTB, Grasshopper Adventure Series, Lake Sonoma, CA, 26 miles, 4,565 feet elevation., Miguel Crawford, [email protected], https://grasshopperadventureseries.com/

March 29-30, 2025Sagebrush Safari, Campo, CA, 27 Miles with tons of fun singletrack, xc and E-XC, Victor , [email protected], quickndirtymtb.com

April 5, 2025Tommy Knocker 10, Silver City, NM, 10 hour race, Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

April 5, 2025East Side Epic, Leadville Winter Mtn Bike Series, Leadville, CO, Cloud City Wheelers , [email protected], cloudcitywheelers.com

April 5, 2025The Bear, Bear Creek Lake Park, CO, 10 mile loop will have plenty of tough short climbs, killer single track, quick descents and plenty of meandering through Bear Creek Lake Park, Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com/event/mid-week-melee-1/

April 11-13, 2025Hubapalooza MTB Festival, Spokane, WA, Downhill, Enduro, MTB Festival, held at Beacon Hill, Velo Northwest , 509-655-8238 , , velonw.com

April 12, 2025Prescott Punisher, Prescott, AZ, Prescott is a great place for mountain biking. The Whiskey 50 will be 2 weeks later so consider racing and staying for a pre-ride the following day., Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], mbaa.net

April 12, 2025Sea Otter Fuego XL, Leadville Race Series, Monterey, CA, 65 miles and 7,800 feet of elevation change, Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

April 12, 2025DVO Mojave Meltdown XC MTB Race, Boulder City, NV, Cross Country race, Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

April 18-20, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series (Dry Hill #1), Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Port Angeles, WA, Downhill race. Held at Silver Mountain Bike Park. Friday will be open practice. Saturday will be split practice by category. Pro/JuniorX seeding Saturday evening. Sunday racing all categories, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

April 24-June 19, 2025Summer XC Race Series, Escondido, CA, Thursday XC races, Victor , [email protected], quickndirtymtb.com

April 25-26, 2025Coyote Classic, Knobby Tire Series, Avimor, ID, This is real mountain bike racing; not for the weak. High speed rolling double and single track with a ton of climbing. Tight, technical sagebrush single track, water crossings, quick steep drops, nasty little granny gear climbs., Alex Phipps, 208-841-4120, [email protected], twistedturtleracing.com

April 25-27, 2025Whiskey Off-Road, Epic Rides Off-Road Series, Prescott, AZ, Starting on Prescott’s historical (and lively) Whiskey Row and climbing into the beautifully distracting views of Prescott National Forest, riders will connect some of the area’s most exhilarating (and challenging) pieces of singletrack, double track, gravel roads and the occasional paved segment., Epic Rides, 520-623-1584, [email protected], Dave Castro, [email protected], epicrides.com

May 3, 2025Flagstaff Frenzy, Flagstaff, AZ, The 2021 MBAA finals, Anthony Quintile, 928-779-5969, [email protected], Tim Racette, 480-442-4229, [email protected], Denise Barron, 928-530-0868, , mbaa.net, absolutebikes.net

May 3, 2025Alien Run MTB Race, Aztec, NM, Circles the alleged alien crash site in Hart Canyon, Aztec Trails and Open Space , [email protected], alienrun.com

May 3, 2025Fangdango, Bailey, CO, 6 mile circuit, XC race, Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com/event/fangdango/

May 3, 2025Boggs 8-Hour MTB, Cobb, CA, The 2025 Edition of the Boggs 8 Hour Race marks Bike Monkey’s 20th anniversary! This year’s event will be special. In 2006, Bike Monkey produced its first ever bike race in this forest. It is what made us who we are. This year, we’re going to raise the pines like never before., Clemence Heymelot, 707-560-1122, [email protected], www.boggs.rocks

May 10, 20259 1/2 Hours of Disco, Salmon, ID, A full day of incredible riding on 10 miles of buffed out singletrack at the base of the Beaverhead Mountains.�1700ish ft. of climbing/decending, great prizes, space for camping, live music and the Disco Lounge, Max Lohmeyer, 208-357-9109, 208-756-7613, [email protected], Ride Salmon , [email protected], salmonidahomtb.org, ridesalmon.com

May 11, 2025Crusher Cup #1 MTB Race Series, Lake Sonoma, CA, Jim , [email protected], crushercup.com

May 16-18, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series (Dry Hill #2), Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Port Angeles, WA, Downhill race. Held at Silver Mountain Bike Park. Friday will be open practice. Saturday will be split practice by category. Pro/JuniorX seeding Saturday evening. Sunday racing all categories, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

May 17, 2025Royal Gorge Six and Twelve Hour MTB Races, Ca�on City, CO, Six and Twelve Hour MTB Races, Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

May 23-25, 2025Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, Durango, CO, 53rd Annual, Road Race and Tour from Durango to Silverton – Saturday and are a 50 mile ride from Durango to Silverton. Take off with the train, traveling over two 10,000ft mountain passes enroute to the historical mining town of Silverton. Sunday – Kids Race and Kids Village, Mountain Bike Race, Gravel Race and vendors., Ian Burnett, 970-259-4621, [email protected], ironhorsebicycleclassic.com

May 31, 2025Sunrise to Sunset, Castle Rock, CO, Looking for a 12-hour endurance trail race that is equal parts challenging and fun? Elephant Rock’s Sunrise to Sunset is just that. Kickback with your friends and ride the flowy track of Philip S. Miller Park this summer. Register as an individual or form a team, Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com

May 31, 2025Wente 8-Hour MTB, Willits, CA, The funnest 8-hour mountain bike race you’ll ever do. 3 days of venue access including a private lake for swimming and boating. 8 Miles, 1,745’ of climbing and bermy-berms for days. NOTE: Wente is on a private boy scout reservation. It is closed to the public on all days of the year except during race weekend. No trespassing!, Clemence Heymelot, 707-560-1122, [email protected], racewente.com

June 7, 2025Spring Valley Scramble, Aspen, CO, Come race the best new MTB course in the Roaring Fork Valley. See why this has become the Colorado High School League’s State MTB Course. All are invited to race from Strider to Elite, and everything in between!, Kristen Heath, (970) 618-3309, [email protected], aspencyclingclub.org

June 12-15, 2025Leadville Training Camp, Leadville Race Series, Leadville, CO, Ride with past champions and experience every inch of the LT 100 MTB course in Leadville. A question and answer session will offer insight into proper training, diet and race strategy. Camp riders will get tons of camp swag, great food and amazing, unforgettable experience., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

June 14, 2025Fears, Tears, and Beers Enduro, Ely, NV, Enduro mountain bike event. Timed sections mostly downhill, combined time wins. Men’s and women’s events for all classes. Fun run, beginner, sport, and expert classes. The first and longest running enduro mountain bike race in America. Beginner to Pro categories. Be a part of MTB history, Kent Robertson, 775-289-6042, 775-296-2162, [email protected], Kyle Horvath, 775-289-3720, [email protected], elynevada.net/fears-tears-and-beers/

June 14, 2025The Bailey Hundo, Buffalo Creek, CO, 10th year for the race.� The HUNDO is 100 miles with 10,000 vertical feet, the HUNDitO is 50 miles with 6,000 vertical feet, in the Buffalo Creek trail system � permitted by the USFS., Jennifer Barbour, 303-503-4616, [email protected], Caprice Bass, 303-720-4509, [email protected], baileyhundo.org

June 14, 2025 Otter Creek MTB Race, Harmon Lake, ND, The 10th year of the Otter Creek MTB Race is coming at you, will you be there? This race provides a distance and experience for everyone as it follows the contours of the beautiful Harmon Lake. The trail provides everything from canopy covered technical to wide-open, fast and flowy, singletrack. We will be capping the race at 200 participants for 2024, so get registered early! Set a goal, challenge your friends and family, and compete for more than $4200 in cash prizes., Melissa Marquardt, 701-221-9833, [email protected], 701cycleandsport.com

June 18, 2025Mid Week Melee, Morrison, CO, Three distances to choose from including: the Elite Mini Course (1.9 miles), Short Course (4.3 miles), and Long Course (4.8 miles)., Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com

June 20-22, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series (Tamarack), Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Tamarack, ID, Downhill race. Held at Tamarack Bike Park. Friday will be open practice. Saturday will be split practice by category. Pro/JuniorX seeding Saturday evening. Sunday racing all categories, PRO GRT too, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

June 27-29, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series (Whitefish), Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Whitefish, MT, Downhill race. Held at Whitefish Bike Park. Friday will be open practice. Saturday will be split practice by category. Pro/JuniorX seeding Saturday evening. Sunday racing all categories, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

June 28, 2025Helenduro, Montana Enduro Series, Helena, MT, Montana Enduro Series , [email protected], Eric Sivers, [email protected], montanaenduro.com, montanabicycleguild.org

June 28, 2025Lutsen 99er, Leadville Race Series, Lutsen, MN, This race offers 99, 69, 49, 25, and kid distances combined with a weekend packed with fun, adventure and “killer” mountain biking for everyone., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com/lutsen-99er/, lutsen99er.com

July 12, 2025Whit Henry’s Galena Grinder , Knobby Tire Series, Galena Lodge, ID, XC/Marathon, 40 mile loop; Pro/Expert/SS, 25 mile loop; Sport/Clydesdale, 20 mile loop; Beginner, 10.5 mile loop; and Youth with a 5 mile loop., Alex Phipps, 208-841-4120, [email protected], twistedturtleracing.com

July 13, 2025Silver Rush 50, Leadville Race Series, Leadville, CO, At 10,000-12,500 feet above sea level, this challenging 50 mile out-and-back course takes racers through the historic mining district on Leadville’s East side. This race is known for its long, lung-burning climbs and rocky, steep terrain. Solo or Tandem 50m. Leadville Trail 100 Qualifier., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

July 14-20, 2025USA Cycling Endurance MTB National Championships, Roanoke, VA, USAC Events , 719-434-4200, [email protected], usacycling.org

July 16, 2025Mid Week Melee, Morrison, CO, Three distances to choose from including: the Elite Mini Course (1.3 miles), Short Course (4.3 miles), and Long Course (4.8 miles)., Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com

July 18-20, 2025Pomerelle Pounder Downhill, Go-Ride Gravity Series, Albion, ID, Two USAC sanctioned downhill races in two days., Ron Lindley, 801-375-3231, [email protected], go-ride.com, utahdh.org

July 19, 2025Butte 100, Butte, MT, Continental Divide Trail, Single Track, Big Sky Country, 100 and 50 mile options, and a Sorini 25 mile option. 14th Annual, Stephanie Sorini, 406-490-7632, [email protected], butte100.com

July 19, 2025Tahoe Trail 100, Leadville Race Series, Northstar, CA, Ride 50K or 100K of rocky summits, breathtaking pine forests and beautiful Lake Tahoe views. 100K riders can qualify for the Leadville Trail 100 MTB, Josh Colley, 719-219-9357, [email protected], Todd Jackson, 530-546-1019, [email protected], tahoetrailmtb.com, youphoriaproductions.com

July 19-20, 202524 Hours in the Enchanted Forest, N24, Albuquerque, NM, Everything that you want from a 24 Hour Race. We have an amazing course with epic singletrack winding through meadows, pines and aspens. The Zuni Mountains outside of Gallup, NM are a great place to ride. We have an awesome venue in the ponderosa pines with plenty of space to hang out with friends and family and hang your hammock, great party atmosphere with vendors, movies, food, kids activities, and fun for everyone., Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

July 19, 2025Tahoe Trail, Leadville Race Series, Northstar Village, CA, Leadville Qualifier. The Tahoe Trail 100 offers athletes a 2-loop, 50 kilometer course filled with beautiful views of Lake Tahoe., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

July 25-28, 2025Leadville MTB Stage Race, Leadville Race Series, Leadville, CO, 100M (100 miles over three days), Team Option. Experience the legendary Leadville Trail 100 course over three days. Push the pace to see what you’re made of, or use the stages to prepare or qualify for the Leadville Trail 100 in August. This is one amazing party, with daily stage prizes, raffles, unmatched swag, food, beer and live music., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

July 25-27, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series (Silver Mountain), Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Kellogg, ID, Downhill race. Held at Silver Mountain Bike Park. Friday will be open practice. Saturday will be split practice by category. Pro/JuniorX seeding Saturday evening. Sunday racing all categories, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

July 26, 2025Laramie Range Epic, Laramie, WY, The Laramie Range Epic (Formerly the Laramie Enduro) will have two course options, 30/60ish miles. 80% singletrack from smooth and flowy to steep and technical. Choose the One & Done to do one lap, or, the Laramie Range Epic to do two laps. Aid stations with fresh food, water and performance nutrition. Legendary after-party with live music, awards, cash pay-outs, raffle, free refreshments and warm, fresh food! Limited on-course camping and room specials, Dewey Gallegos, 307-742-5533, [email protected], laramierangeepic.com

July 26, 2025Colorado State MTB Championship, Copper Mountain, CO, , Dave Muscianisi, 303-817-6523, [email protected], rattlerracing.com/event/fangdango/

August 1-3, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series Summit Bike Park, Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Snoqualmie Pass, WA, Downhill race, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

August 2, 2025Pierre’s Hole MTB Race, National Ultra Endurance Series, Alta, WY, The 100 K category will be capped at 250 racers and the 50 K category at 300 racers. There will not be a 100-mile race this year. The racecourse is on an IMBA Epic trails at Grand Targhee. The 100 k is a part of the NUE marathon series race, Tony Ferlisi, 307-690-3952, [email protected], nuemtb.com

August 2, 2025Tour de Big Bear, Big Bear Lake, CA, XC mountain bike races, Chris Barnes, 951-970-6720, 909-878-0707, [email protected], bigbearcycling.com

August 7-10, 2025Downieville Classic, Lost Sierra Triple Crown, Downieville, CA, Race or ride the epic 26.5 mile point-to-point crosscountry to the Sierra Crest and back to town, or take in a double dose with 15 miles of the Downieville Downhill in the All Mountain World Championships, followed by an epic party. Named one of the top 10 mountain bike festivals by Outside magazine., Greg Williams, [email protected], Sierra Trails , [email protected], downievilleclassic.com

August 9, 2025Leadville Trail 100, Leadville Race Series, Leadville, CO, One of the most notorious and challenging bike races in the world. 100 mile out-and-back., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com

August 9, 2025Enduro Pescado Whitefish Enduro, Montana Enduro Series, Whitefish, MT, Montana Enduro Series , [email protected], Eric Sivers, [email protected], montanaenduro.com

August 16, 2025GloriDays – MTB Camp Weekend, Glorietta, NM, Bike Camp! bike races, live music, food trucks, games and activities for the kids hosted by our NICA NM friends, Revolution Enduro races too, Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

August 23, 2025Big Sky Biggie, Big Sky, MT, Starting in Big Sky’s Town Center (Meadow Village) and climbing into the scenic views from Lone Peak and Buck Ridge, riders will ride some of the area’s most exhilarating (and challenging) pieces of single-track, double-track, gravel roads and the occasional paved segment, Natalie Osborne, 907-223-0858, [email protected], bigskybiggie.com

August 23, 2025Lake City Alpine 50, Lake City, CO, This lung-busting race will take you by the iconic Lake San Cristobal before climbing through the alpine tundra to the two of the highest passes in Colorado: Cinnamon Pass (12,640 feet) and Engineer Pass (12,800) feet. The race will feature over 7,500 feet of climbing through some of the most incredible sections of the San Juan Mountains. This is a USA Cycling sanctioned event. benefit the Town of Lake City and the Lake Fork Valley Conservancy., Michael Fleishman, [email protected], lakecityalpine50.com

August 30, 2025Rendezvous Enduro, Montana Enduro Series, Teton Village, WY, Montana Enduro Series , [email protected], Eric Sivers, [email protected], montanaenduro.com, montanabicycleguild.org

August 31, 2025Dakota Five-0, Spearfish, South Dakota, 50 miles, A lollie-pop loop, begins in Spearfish City Park with a mass, neutral roll out, and leaves town to the west up Tinton Road., Perry Jewett, 605-641-4963, [email protected], dakotafiveo.com

September 5-7, 2025NW Cup Downhill Series Finals Stevens Pass Bike Park, Northwest Cup Downhill Series, Stevens Pass, WA, Downhill race, Scott Tucker, 360-797-4288, [email protected], nwcup.com

September 6-7, 2025Vapor Trail 125, Salida, CO, 125 miles, 20,000 feet of climbing, 10 pm start, singletrack, Vapor Trail , [email protected]�, vaportrail125.com

September 13, 2025Pocatello Fall Ultra, Pocatello, ID, Join us for the premier ultra mountain bike race in Southeast Idaho.� Participate in a 100K or 50K ride in one of America’s best mountain biking areas. 100K RACE: � Over 9,000 ft. of elevation gain?� Over 45 miles of singletrack on the 100K course.?� Looped course, 80% Singletrack 50K RACE: � Over 6,500 ft. of elevation gain.?� Looped course, all singletrack., Scott Peterson, 208-681-6910, [email protected], pocatellofallultra.com

September 14, 2025The Banana Belta, Salida, CO, Forty miles of supremely crafted singletrack in Salida. This isn’t about white-knuckle terror or boring fire roads – it’s about that sweet spot challenge. Endurance MTBing you’ve been asking for. Part of the Salida Bike Fest!, Jennifer Barbour, 303-503-4616, [email protected], Caprice Bass, 303-720-4509, [email protected], baileyhundo.org

September 20-21, 2025Chuska Challenge Mountain Bike Race, Tour de Rez Cup, Red Valley, AZ, The Navajo Nation’s premier mountain bike event of the year, taking place the final weekend of September in the Chuska Mountains. The Chuska Challenge Tour includes 35-mile and 20-mile noncompetitive options, offer riders some awesome riding in some of the most beautiful country in Dine’ Bikeyah. The competitive Mountain Bike Race includes avariety of routes and distances, and includes awards for top riders. �There will be a Skills Course set up for riders to play on throughout the weekend, and there will be a Youth Race on Saturday. On the Sunday of Chuska weekend, there will be a 55-mile and 35-mile Arizona Endurance Series event on the Cove Classic route, Tom Riggenbach, 928-429-0345, [email protected], navajoyes.org, runsignup.com/Race/AZ/RedValley/ChuskaChallengeMountainBikeRide

September 26-28, 2025Grand Enduro, Grand Junction, CO, Race the top 3 trails of the Lunch Loops (Ribbon, Gunny, and Free Lunch) with amazing views in the background. This is the only race on the Ribbon… come see what it’s like to ride up to 50mph on a big slab of rock! 22-35 minutes of racing over 6.2 miles of trail. 2.5-4 hours of total ride time covering ~22 miles., John Klish, 970-744-4450, 573-366-3681, [email protected], grandenduro.com, madracingcolorado.com

September 27, 2025Rad Dirt Fest, Trinidad, CO, 38, 99, 165 mile options, Deep in the Southern Colorado plateau lies an untouched plethora of gravel unlike any other. The towering Spanish Peaks and expansive mesas serve as the backdrop for the 3 unique courses of the �Rad Dirt Fest.� The courses are all more than 90% maintained, gravel roads and mostly rolling routes, Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], Lifetime Events , [email protected], theraddirt.com

October 9-12, 2025USA Cycling Collegiate Mountain Bike National Championships, Grand Junction, CO, Collegiate National Championships and Montana High School Championships, USAC Events , 719-434-4200, [email protected], Chad Sperry, [email protected], Ben Horan, 312-502-5997, [email protected], usacycling.org

October 18, 2025Coyote Classic Round 2 of 3, DVO Fall XC and E-Bike Coyote Classic Series, Boulder City, NV, Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

October 25, 2025Filthy 50, Escondido, CA, 30 and 50 mile xc races, Victor , [email protected], quickndirtymtb.com

November 1, 20258-Hour Showdown at Usery Pass, TENTATIVE, Phoenix, AZ, 8-hour cross country race on an 11 mile loop, solo, duo, quad, and relay options for both mtn bike, gravel and single speed with free kids races, Race is put on by FE Racing, an Arizona 501c3 cycling club that uses the proceeds from the event for a charity bike give away deserving Jr. High School students., Shane Jacobs, [email protected], usery8.com

November 1, 2025Chain Smoker Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, NV, 15, 30, 45 mile options, Victor , [email protected], quickndirtymtb.com

November 7-8, 2025Austin Rattler MTB, Leadville Race Series, Austin, TX, Make the trek down to Reveille Peak Ranch for a one-of-a-kind race experience at the Austin Rattler MTB. After you soak in the sparkling lakes and rolling hills of beautiful Texas Hill Country, you’ll hop in the saddle for one, two or three loops of thrilling singletrack and fast-fire roads. Come for a unique fall ride, stay for a Texas-style endurance celebration, complete with live music, camping, kids races and, of course, tasty Texas BBQ., Tamara Jenlink, 719-219-9364, [email protected], leadvilleraceseries.com, austinrattlermtb.com

November 15, 2025Coyote Classic Round 3 of 3, DVO Fall XC and E-Bike Coyote Classic Series, Boulder City, NV, XC, E-Bike, and Gravity Fest, Mike Scheur, 518-524-9805, [email protected], bootlegcanyonracing.com

November 15, 2025Ridgecrest Desert Classic, Ridgecrest, CA, 4 courses this year: Classic Loop, Beginner, Sport, and Pro/Expert, beginner, sport, and expert courses are aimed at more competitive riders while the the Classic Loop course caters to our riders who simply want to come out and support the race, and aren’t necessarily interested in being competitive or risking getting injured on the Ridgeline., High Sierra Cyclists , [email protected], highsierracyclists.club/home/rdc

December 6, 2025Dirty 30, Lakeside, CA, 18 and 30 miles, and also E-MTB race, Victor , [email protected], quickndirtymtb.com

December 13, 2025Dawn to Dusk AZ, Fountain Hills, AZ, Endurance mountain bike relay. Compete as a solo, duo, or team on a fast, fun course in McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Family friendly camping and event expo promises a fun weekend! Space is limited to 125 solo riders, 100 two-person, 50 four-person, and 10 corporate entries, Seth Bush, 505-554-0059, [email protected], ziarides.com

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