Salt Lake City Bike Party is a Rolling Shindig


Salt Lake City Bike Party Preview and Photo Gallery

2013 Bike Party Photo Gallery

Salt Lake Bike Party June 2013

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Salt Lake Bike Party June 2013July 6, 2015 – The Salt Lake City Bike Party is a rolling party on bikes. The next event happens on July 10, 2015. We asked the Bike Party crew about the event.

Cycling Utah: What is the Salt Lake City Bike Party?

Bike Party: SLC Bike Party is a monthly group bicycle ride through Downtown Salt Lake City.

CU: Who can ride?

Bike Party: Our ride is open to all ages and all abilities. Our goal to put as many butts on bikes as possible. We do that by offering a safe, friendly, casually-paced ride through SLC.

CU: What kind of bike should you bring?

BP: Anything you can dream of.

CU: What’s the theme of the July 10, 2015 edition?

BP: ‘Murica. This ride provides the opportunity for those of us who didn’t get quite enought patriotism on the 4th to do it one more time. So dust off the cowboy hats, put some sunscreen on your upper arms, and give those old jeans a quick trim and a second life as jorts.

CU: When do the rides usually happen?

BP: 2nd Friday of every month. 7PM-9PM

CU: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

BP: Bring your friends!

2013 Bike Party Photo Gallery

Salt Lake Bike Party June 2013

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Event Details:

July 10 — Salt Lake Bike Party, Utah Bike Month, Salt Lake City, UT, Salt Lake Bike Party is an all-ages, all-abilities group bicycle ride through Salt Lake City. We encourage safe and respectful riding behavior to foster a cooperative relationship with Salt Lake City motorists.We want: To ride safely and follow all traffic rules; To build a strong community of bicyclists; To foster mutual respect between bicyclists and motorists; To have fun – Smile, wave, laugh, meet new people, bring some music along. May’s theme is Bike to the Future.Start 7 pm at Library Square at 200 E and 400 S in Salt Lake City., Bike Party, [email protected],

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