On Wednesday, August 26, at the 2020 Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit, the Bridger Bike Park “Jewel of Northern Utah” was recognized on a grand scale as the 2020 Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant (UORG) Project of the Year.

A legacy of the collaboration of visionaries, the BBP is the realization of a grassroots effort that combined the efforts of enthusiasts, Logan city Parks & Rec, and local patrons & businesses that supported the fundraising efforts of Cache Trails Alliance, a local 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Funds raised by CTA were then matched by Logan City, and the dream was further supported by grants from Cache County RAPZ funding and the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation.
Specific recognition & appreciation goes to Dayton Crites, former Cache County Trails Planner; Russ Akina, Logan Parks & Rec Director; Logan mayor Holly Daines & former mayor Craig Peterson. CTA fundraising organizers Tim Wolford & Sandra Escareno and their team; the leadership team at CTA: Paul Gibbons & Paul Richins; and the generous donors, both small and large, that had a hand in bringing this project to fruition. Additional sponsor support was provided by Sunrise Cyclery, Speed Mountain, Jagaloon.com, Joyride Bikes, Al’s Cyclery, & many others.
A local 501(c)(3) non-profit, Cache Trails Alliance was involved from the beginning with project design & community input, and maintenance support.