UDOT to Introduce Bike Boxes in Utah


UDOT to Introduce Bike Boxes in Utah County at Two Intersections on Redwood Road. New innovation in active transportation to provide safe and visible crossing for people who ride bikes.

In an effort to enhance road and bicycle safety, UDOT has incorporated its first bike boxes in Utah County as part of the new Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) at Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing. Later this summer, UDOT will open another set of bike boxes at the intersection of Redwood Road and 2100 North (Mountain View Corridor). In conjunction with the opening of these new bike boxes, UDOT will host a media availability at the Redwood Road/Pioneer Crossing intersection in Saratoga Springs.

The bike boxes are designed to provide safe and visible stopping areas for people using the bicycle lanes as part of UDOT’s efforts to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow in this area. Cyclists traveling through the intersection of Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing are now able to wait safely in the bike boxes until they are able to cross the intersection with traffic. UDOT integrated the bike box concept into the project to connect with existing local community trails and bike routes and to support active transportation in the area. To learn how to use the bike boxes, cyclists should visit the bike box website, where they can view a short video or use the bike box virtual reality tool.

As part of UDOT’s efforts to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow in this area, the bike boxes are designed to provide safe and visible stopping areas for people using the bike lanes. People who ride bikes through the intersection of Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing are now able to wait safely in the bike boxes until they are able to cross the intersection with traffic. In an effort to support active transportation, UDOT integrated the bike box concept into the project to connect with existing local community trails and bike routes. To prepare for their first use of the bike boxes, people who ride bikes should visit the bike box website to view a bike box animation video or use the bike box virtual reality tool.

Bike Boxes in Utah County

  • Bikes Boxes are being introduced at two intersections on Redwood Road in Utah County
    • Bike Boxes at the Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) are now open
    • Bike Boxes at the Redwood Road and 2100 North (Mountain View Corridor) intersection will open this fall
  • These are the first Bike Boxes implemented by UDOT
  • Bike Boxes provide safe and visible stopping areas for people who ride bikes until they are able to cross the intersection with traffic
  • Bike Boxes are being used nationally as an innovative way to improve roadway and bicycle safety
  • In an effort to support active transportation, UDOT integrated the bike box concept to connect with existing local community trails and bike routes
  • People who ride bikes can learn how to properly navigate the bike boxes by visiting: utah.gov/go/bikebox

Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI)

  • The intersection at Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing is a Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI)
  • CFI’s move left-turning vehicles across the road before they reach the intersection, allowing cars to turn left while oncoming vehicles go straight
  • CFI’s also feature bypasses for right-turning vehicles
  • These improvements allow left, right and through vehicles to move simultaneously
  • CFI’s will reduce wait times and improve safety
  • These intersections are a reflection of coordinated efforts between UDOT, Active Transportation and the local community
  • For more information on a CFI, please visit: utah.gov/redwoodsaratoga

Redwood Road and Mountain View Corridor Intersection

  • The extension of the Mountain View Corridor (MVC) in northwest Utah County on 2100 North from Redwood Road to S.R. 73 is nearly complete
  • Construction includes two lanes in each direction, a trail and sidewalk and a pedestrian/bicycle underpass at Redwood Road
  • Mountain View Corridor will eventually be a 35-mile freeway from I-80 in Salt Lake County to S.R. 73 in Utah County
  • Future construction phases will build out the remainder of the corridor by converting intersections to interchanges and adding lanes to achieve a fully functional freeway

For more information on the Mountain View Corridor, please visit: udot.utah.gov/mountainview

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