Cycling West and Cycling Utah’s Late Spring 2022 Issue is Now Available!


Cycling West and Cycling Utah Magazine’s Spring 2022 Issue is now available as a free download (13 MB download). Pick up a copy at your favorite Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Northern California bike shop or other location.

Download the Magazine Now!

Cycling West Late Spring 2022 Cover Photo: Coach and Cycling West contributor Sarah Kaufmann at speed at the summit of Little Mountain on April 27, 2022. Photo by Dirk Badenhorst, @dirkbadenhorst


  • Adventure Awaits Riders of the Iditarod Trail Invitational — page 3
  • Even Bicycle-Friendly Communities Continue to Fail to Build Bicycle Infrastructure — page 4
  • NHTSA Seeks Comments on National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior — page 4
  • Women Fear Interactions with Motorists More than Lack of Cycling Infrastructure — page 4
  • Congress Passes Law to Create Public Map for Outdoor Recreation Access — page 4
  • Navajo Nation Working to Expand Bicycling through New Trails, Kids’ Programs, and Racing — page 6
  • Protect Yourself from Financial Fallout After a Bike Wreck — page 7
  • Movie Review: The Soul of the Cyclist — page 8
  • How I Learned to Jump — page 9
  • Report: E-Scooters Help Everyone Get Around More Quickly — page 9
  • California Coast Tour (Silicon Valley to Big Sur) — page 12
  • Questions to Ask Yourself After a Bad Ride — page 15
  • Transportation Alternatives to Receive Increased Federal Funding — page 15
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