Cycling Utah’s Fall Winter 2011 Issue is Now Available!


Riders came from across the country to demo bikes and ride Moab's trails and roads during Outerbike 2011. Photo: Beth Runkle

Our Fall Winter 2011 Issue is now available as a PDF (7.8 mb download), Pick up a copy at your favorite Intermountain bike shop or other location!



Cycling in Turkey and Lebanon page – 2

Matt Bradley and Jen Hanks are our Riders of the Year page – 3

Outerbike Has Successful Second Year page – 4

A Conversation with Cycling Icon Richard Schwinn of Waterford Bicycles page – 5

News from Bike Utah page – 5

Stephen James is Planning Daybreak to Make Cycling Easier  page – 6

2011 Sees 27% Increase in Cyclists in Salt Lake City page – 6

Gear For Your Winter Bike Commute page – 10

“The Sufferfest – A Very Dark Place” Will Keep You Fit Over the Winter page – 11

Clinton Mortley, Keri Gibson turn “Dreams” into Big Wins at LoToJa –
Hard training. Hard racing. And willingness to “suffer” pays off for both.  page – 12

DZNuts InHeat Keeps Your Legs Warm on Cold Rides page – 13

New Therapy Room at Huntsman Cancer Institute Named After LoToJa  page – 16

Fall is Time for Cyclocross page – 17

Chip Seals and Bicycles in Salt Lake City – Final Call for Public Input Through November 18. page – 20

Bicycle Collective News page – 21

New Methods Sought for Bike Counts page – 21

Mountain Trails Foundation News page – 21

How Utah’s Congressional Delegation Stands on Cycling page – 23

WickWërks Chainrings Provide a Faster Shifting Experience page – 24

Physiological Testing & Endurance Training page – 24

Beaver Dam Mountains Classic page – 25

A Jekyll and Hyde Solo 1,000-Mile Bike Ride page – 26

Winter  Riding Conditions Requires Winter Clothing page – 27


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