Road Project May Impact Mountain Bike Area in St. George


A possible highway project through the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area may mean a shift in mountain biking routes. The Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Service are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement on the Utah Department of Transportation’s proposed Northern Corridor in Washington County. Since the road would go through area protected for the desert tortoise, the proposal involves setting other land aside for the species. The agencies plan a public scoping meeting Dec. 17 in St. George and are taking comments through Jan. 6. Details:


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Charles Pekow
Charles Pekow is an award-winning Washington correspondent who has written about bicycling for years in publications such as the Washington Post, Bicycle Times, Dirt Rag, SPOKES, etc. as well as Cycling West/Cycling Utah. He also writes frequently on environmental issues and beer, among other topics. Weather permitting, you'll find him most weekends and some summer evenings astride a bicycle in a park. He is also a charter member of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.


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