By Charles Pekow — If you want to ride your bike into Bridger-Teton National Forest, there’s no charge. However, if you drive in and then ride your bike, you might have to pay a fee. While the U.S. Forest Service can’t charge for general admission, it can impose fees for amenities like parking, with parking limited to designated areas.

The proposed fee would apply to the Wild and Scenic Snake River, a Congressional-designated area. By law, any fees collected must be used on site. According to the Forest Service, the fees would support “operation, maintenance, and improvements to prevent degradation, enhance recreation opportunities, and preserve the outstandingly remarkable values outlined in the Snake River’s comprehensive management plan.”
The USFS is proposing fees of $5 per vehicle per day, $40 per vehicle per year, $20 for an additional vehicle per year, and $3 per outfitted customer or non-commercial group member. The fees wouldn’t take effect until mid-March 2025 at the earliest.
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