Schwinn Midtown 21 Speed Hybrid(white and blue)


    Stolen Bike:

    Bike Stats

    • Manufacturer: Schwinn
    • Model: Midtown 21 Speed Hybrid
    • Serial Number: S4941
    • Bike Tire Style: Narrow

    Theft Details

    Locking description
    Locking circumvented
    It was locked to another bike and both bikes were locked up to a gate/ fence and a tree. Went to my appointment, came out and my bike was gone. Tried asking security, they were jerks and useless. They treated me like crap and wouldn’t lift a finger to help me, check the cameras or anything. So I called the Police and filed a report. Even THEY didn’t get the video with my bike being stolen. Literally caught on tape, and I mm. The first I I’m ok ok hop off
    Date stolen
    Where Stolen
    Slc, UT, 84119
    Police report #
    Department & city
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