By Charles Pekow — The Department of Veterans Affairs set up a Task Force on Outdoor Recreation for Veterans, which is planning a project to find ways to get veterans with disabilities to enjoy outdoor recreation. It is interested in ways to get them to ride bicycles, such as use of recumbents or hand cycles. The task force intends to work with public land agencies and other interested groups on programs to improve health and therapy and deal with conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

A request for public comment elicited a response from Julie Barnett, a fitness instructor in Huntsville, AL, saying “I teach an indoor cycle class and another class that helps (women veterans) get stronger at a local gym. I would love to teach at the VA Clinic for those who prefer to be around other veterans. Many people think they can’t, but in fact they could if they had positive and encouraging techniques taught to them. We all can do something.”