A Ride with Mavic Neutral Support in Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Utah – A Photo Gallery by Steven Sheffield


A ride with Mavic Neutral Support in Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Utah

Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Utah rolled 132 miles from Logan around Bear Lake, and back to Logan, Utah. Cycling West’s writer and photographer Steven Sheffield rode with the Mavic Neutral Support car for the day. We present a gallery of images from the back.

At the back. A view from the Mavic Neutral Support Car in Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Utah, Logan - Bear Lake Stage. Photo by Steven Sheffield

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At the back. A view from the Mavic Neutral Support Car in Stage 1 of the 2017 Tour of Utah, Logan - Bear Lake Stage. Photo by Steven Sheffield



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