Park City Trails Report


By Jay Burke

Happy late fall/early winter 2012 to everyone. This is always such a wonderful time to be using the trails in and around Park City and this year was no exception.

A reminder to all that the wildlife are in migration mode….many sightings around the basin and specifically a family of moose along Armstrong Trail. Users are reminded to be please be kind and give some distance, and also keep dogs on a leash.

Nordic skiing, snow biking and snowshoeing season is just around the corner! There are many options in Park City for winter trail users and we want to provide some suggestions and reminders for everyone. Round Valley and the Rail Trail serve up over 40KM of groomed trails, these trails are maintained by Mountain Trails Foundation. Additionally, Snyderville Basin Special Recreation district maintains over 25KM of trail throughout the valley, including the new Basin XC Trails located below the Utah Olympic Park (please note, these trails are for Nordic Skiers only). A few suggestions, if you are looking to do some snow biking, please only ride when the trails are firm and supportive. Also, please be sure to clean up after your furry-friend, it helps to keep the snow looking nice and white!

Support Mountain Trails Foundation during Live PC Give PC, it is a time for the community to unite for 24 hours of giving. It’s one extraordinary day to support the organizations that make Park City special. And it’s your chance to make a real impact – every donation you make gives Mountain Trails Foundation the chance to win matching grants. It happens November 16th, and there will be information on our homepage and all of our social media outlets on that day!

When you are out on the trails, take the time to smile and be kind to all the other users – just a few seconds of kindness can make someones day.


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