Federal Grants for Bicycle Infrastructure


By Charles Pekow — Federal grants are available for planning to improve bike access to mass transit, among other uses. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is offering $13,460,978 in Fiscal Year 22 and Fiscal Year 23 funding under the Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning. The money will go to states and local governments and other existing FTA grantees. Application deadline: October 10.

Transit oriented development near the Raymond Avenue Station on the METRO Green Line in the Twin Cities. Photo by Eric Wheeler, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

Grantees must pay at least 20 percent of program costs with non-federal funds. At least 40 percent of benefits must go to “historically disadvantaged communities.” FTA wants projects that “facilitate multimodal connectivity and accessibility (and) increase access to transit hubs for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.”

See https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2023-08-08/html/2023-16894.htm


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